Yoshi and Trek Training Diary - August 2008

By Ellen Clary
(reverse date order)

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Sun Aug 31
Gone hikin' up Ralston Peak near Tahoe. See the Non-Dog Blog if you're curious about how I torture myself, and how I'm trying to convince myself to find something else to obsess on (entry not written just yet.)

Sat Aug 30
Dog Walks.
Yoshi saw 3 dogs (2 and 1), and one small child.  The dog encounters were perfect (small child was too - even with her touching him and immediately excitedly exclaiming "It's like touching a blanket" - he has a plush coat).  Each time I saw the dog(s) in time and was able to set up.  The first encounter was a GSD and a smaller dog.  We were near an intersection so I went a house width down the side street (think Victorian house suburbia distances - 100' or so) and watched the dogs go by on the other side of the street that we were on.  The next time the dog (medium sized black and white but too fluffy for a BC) was just across the street and that was tougher, but he still was able to eat.  This is right up against his threshold, but I think he was able to learn.  In both cases, I kneel down with my hand in his collar, so I can control his head and so he has contact with me so he knows I'm not worried, and have food in the other hand.  This time I was out of cream cheese, so I just had a couple slices of Natural Balance which worked well.  The only downside (besides the smelly hands) is that even though Yoshi has a very soft mouth, I do get chewed on a bit when he's stress eating.

Fri Aug 29
No class tonight, but we're renting the field at 6:30. Should be fun to work Yoshi.  I make a sign to hang on the fence that says to please let the person in the field know before entering.

No one else showed up so there were no other dogs around, just Sharon's husband Phil out working with didn't bother either dog.  We spent the hour trading off.  Work one dog a little (while the other watched from a crate) then switch.

Yoshi did great and tells me he wants to do agility as a correspondence course.  He wasn't really scanning that much.  While his right foot is stil a little tender from tearing it at herding I did have him do the obstacles at half speed.  He was perfect.  jumps, weaves, teeter (Sharon has a new one - hurray!), Dogwalk, A-Frame, Tire, Tunnels, Table, (the Chute wasn't out).  He's got it, apparently I was able to successfully teach him all of him obstacles and it stuck.  He's still further along than Trek is who still tries to skip the 10th weave pole and is leery of the teeter (though she'll do this one).  What he would need now is to work more on course maneuvers like cross behinds, serpentines and working away and, recalls in any situation.  Part of the time we just played a little small tennis ball fetch on the field, just so  he could have more good associations with the field.  If only If only If only.  But he needs to be way, way better around other dogs first.  Maybe we should have CU agility courses/competition where there is a set course that you set up, run, and have someone time and we all record our times

Trek is still working on popping the 10th Weave pole (only when she's on my right which is new, so I'm wondering if there's something visual with the background relative to the position of the poles or something I'm doing.  It helps if I signal her to come in my direction at the 10th pole (since she's on the other side of the poles when she's on my right), but I don't like her having to be dependent on my position.  When the lawn is grown I'll put the poles back out and work on them daily.  She still wants to jump off the Teeter, but with some coaxing will do this new Teeter (which is way quieter).  We got it going with me on one side and then we had to go through the same thing with me on the other side.  With the Table, she is great on the down but is weird on sit.  She'll sit up and then plop back down.  We have a Table at home so that will be easy to work on.  Her driving forward over a Jump so I can cross behind is improving I don't have to throw the toy each time now though I do need to do it right at the beginning so she gets the idea.  The Broad Jump is where she needs the most improvement as she's happily bouncing on it like a human Steeplechase jump.  I can turn one board up on its side which works, but as soon as I put it back she bounces on it.  The only way to get her to jump over it was to get a good run at it and throw a toy.  She doesn't see the broad jump enough so we'll have to work more on it.  Tunnels, and A-Frame are good.  The Dogwalk she's initially hesitant on it until she figures out it's not a teeter then was ok.

Wed Aug 27
Yoshi Walk.  He had a bit of a melt down when a Newfie and another dog appeared around the corner.  I should have just walked away, but decided to pick him up and cross the street.  He thrashed to get down leaving some impressive dog nail scratches on my forearm  Once he got across the street and the dogs had passed he settled down a little and we then followed them as that sort of behavior from him doesn't make the dogs go away.  He did finally offer LAT on the dogs and he started responding to "leave it" so then we set off in another direction.  Still keyed up, he barked at a walking family.  I explained that he thought they had a dog (he was acting that way) and fortunately they believed it since one parent observed that it was dog walking time though they wisely told their kids not to look at Yoshi.  After about 1/2 mile he started to settle down and we could even observe and play LAT on some smaller dogs across the street and be ok.

He has more meltdowns on his walks, but the exercise settles him down so it's a mostly positive tradeoff.  The huge amount of exercise he gets at herding is probably a fundamental reason he's more relaxed there.  While he has a 2-3 week break from herding since his instructor is out of town, maybe we'll do more walks at Briones Park where the sight lines are good.

Trek's walk was without incident.  she still gives me blank looks when I say "sit."  "By me" (left side sit) works great though

I reserved the agility field for this Friday and next.  This will be cool as I can work with Yoshi then also. Have to remember to bring a crate though there are some there already.  Maybe I should bring an expen to be a second fence with a note that says please call out to person in the field first before entering in case someone opens the field gate.

Tues Aug 26
We were watching Hillary Clinton speak at the Democratic National Convention (Wow she was amazing - Michelle Obama too), and Terri leaned over to Yoshi who was lazing on the sofa and asked him if he was going to vote democrat.  I said "Unfortunately, I think he is the resident Right Wing Asshole."  Though we will keep up our education efforts. :)

Mon Aug 25
Trek just leapped again over the temporary fencing into the growing lawn area for the 20th time this week or so.  It's like 16" and she did it from a stand still.  Ok little one you're jumping 12" at least part of the time.  Especially since she had excellent form jumping over the lawn fencing unlike her more spastic style.

We'll practice at 12" during the next two weeks while Rachelle is gone.  (We'll just during the usual class time and rent the field.)

Sun Aug 24
Yoshi Herding.
During his first run once of his booties came off and I dumbly let him continue and he ripped a right foot pad again.  He is slow down some and is more under control (well slightly).  Barbara is going to send me the link to some other booties that she uses. She says they're called Mutt Links but I'm not finding any relevant matches on that.  She also uses some really nice ones from Cabella but I think they're too large and they have a solid food that he trips over.

The advantage of injuring himself is that he got to socialize with people and dogs for the rest of the afternoon and he did great and I was very pleased.  Sometimes a dog (even one that he knew) would approach from a distance and he'd tense up to react, but I covered his eyes and after some ceremonial struggle, he would relax  I get this relaxation faster than I do with cream cheese which has me wondering which would be more effective (I wasn't using cream cheese at herding as he is at his most relaxed there.)  It's cool to feel him physcially relax when I cover his eyes, but I wonder if there a why to build on that.  Maybe let him see the dog sooner don't know.  It's also tricky as I'm not always there to cover his eyes, but the same could be said of cream cheese.  The difference is that at herding I'm just buying time till he recognizes the dog or realizes that the dog is no threat (and that other dogs don't care - though that never seems to stop him - Trek and I can be completely sacked out and continue to while he is pulling a fire alarm and we're not responding - he like just thinks we're deaf and blind or something.

Sat Aug 23
Trek Eye Dr.
Her eye is holding steady at a 6 in her tears test.  Dr Friedman thinks that she can stay on the Cyclosporine and she doesn't think the Tacrolimus is adding any benefit.  She did suggest that we start giving her Omega 3 and 6 with a meal, and that we should give her artificial treats ointment 3x/day - use a kind with no preservatives.  I had explained that the Soothe XP didn't seem to help as much as artificial tears.

Yoshi Dog Park Walk.
Been a little while since we did a dog park walk.  While he did occasionally go over threshold when a dog approached, he is so much better.  We could walk closer to the fence and even let him greet dogs through the fence.  After one round of walking on the outside, we stood near the gate and watched some dogs come and go.  Then, because he seemed ready, I took him on leash into the small dog park.  He did very well, even tolerated some dogs being pushy and rude and when a scuffle broke out near by he was happy to reorient to me as we walked away (probably because I was telling him to - but I'll take it.)  People in the park were happy to greet him even when I explained that he was on leash because he could be snitty to other dogs.   I have to careful in that park as they're not so good at watching their dogs, and the dogs are not always that solid, but it's a good place to start.

It's funny that when in a crowd of dogs on leash he's pretty good unless another dog gets grouchy or uncomfortable (he makes poor choices off leash but will mostly listen to me when he's on leash - and he's small and doesn't really have a choice anyway).  It's the dogs entering/appearing that's the issue.  So one thing we can work on inside the small dog park is rewarding him when a new dog enters.  A dog did enter when we were in there but I walked him away and rewarded him so he never really had a chance to react though he did see the new dog fairly soon after that and didn't react.

Fri Aug 22
Worked more on the knocking behavior.  Trek is getting it.  Yoshi wants to jump on the sofa to look out to see who it is (I had the shade open - which was probably making it too hard as the window is such a powerful draw for him).  We worked on "crate" a lot and he sort of gets it, but it's so against him internal primary directive of guard the house that it's going to be tough for him.  Maybe if I reward him with pizza crust or something else of high value - I was using rollover which is high value but he gets it a lot and pizza crust is even higher value.

Trek Agility Yoshi Dog Watching.
First of all since I was going to have Yoshi around dogs he's reacted to before, I made a failsafe secondary attachment that goes from the leash to his collar in case the Gentle Leader was somehow to fail or he was to slip out of it (which has never happened).  It's just a small loop of cord tied together with a mountaineering knot called a Fisherman's Knot with a small snap attached and threaded through the leash snap.

Both did pretty well.  Yoshi had a bit of a meltdown when a big black dog approached (the handler's car was nearby and we were jammed into a corner and couldn't get further away.  What's funny though is that, while he wants to lunge and bark, if I can get the cream cheese in his face he can't help himself but to lick it (such a Corgi) - and the food does calm him some (it's a primary reinforcer).  The idea is that a truly stressed dog doesn't eat, but I'm not so sure about Corgis. :)

Trek is getting better about sequencing, doing serpentines, and driving forward over a jump so I can cross behind though still mostly needs a thrown tug n treat (which for her is mostly a fetch n treat.)  Little stinker jumped off a dog walk during a walk through (I had let her wander up on it.)  I think she thought it was a teeter. I took her over it a couple of times and while she was initially hesitant, she was then ok.  We didn't work on the teeter today and I think I'm going to have to see if I can borrow Elf's again or buy one or rent the field a lot.  There is no class for two weeks, but we can rent the field during class time and that's what we'll do.  She's getting fairly reliable about 12 weave poles.  Tries to skip once in a while but can do it the second time.  Still has trouble getting weave pole entrance when approaching from the side opposite from the pole entrance (where she has to go around a pole first - hard to explain).  Then I had her doing that and was crossing behind her which didn't seem to bother her that much.

Thu Aug 21
The dogs are still losing their minds when there's a knock at the door so we need to work intensively on getting the new behavior I want into place.  The behavior I want is that when there's a knock at the door, they can optionally bark but then should run to their living room crates.  So basically what needs to happen is that the knocking becomes a cue for charging into their crates.

So first I made sure the "crate" cue is working.  Trek yes, Yoshi not so much with distractions.  Then I need to add the knock cue.  To change a cue the order is New Cue-Old Cue (N-O is the neumonic).  Then standing near the crate knock on wood and say "crate."  This proved to be too difficult with both dogs so I eventually had only one dog out at a time.  With Trek I could be 10-15 feet away and knock and she'd go to her crate.  With Terri knocking on the actual door it was harder but eventually she was sucessful.  The doorbell is harder but she would do the routing of run to the door, recall to her name and go crate.

Wed Aug 20
Yoshi walk.  Right off the bat we had a dog appear from his (the dog's) house just a short ways down the street.  Fortunately I saw them emerging and was able to retreat up a neighbor's walkway and get out the cream cheese.  Yoshi did bark once before I was able to get the cream cheese at him, but it wasn't a firm alarm pulling type bark.  The owner of the dog (a lab) said she'd give us a break and cross the street.  I said that this was good for him, but they had already crossed.

Just as soon as they went by two more dogs went by also across the street.  More gurgling and eating of cream cheese.  He's holding it together but I'm not sure how to progress with this.  I have to remind myself that he's lightyears better than he was and that while progress seems slow, he is gradually improving.

Saw two children who were great with him.  I talked to mom for a while and Yoshi was terrific around the kids.  (I had explained that he was a bit afraid of kids.  What's great is that when I say that, it instantly turns into a lesson for the parents to teach their kids how to be calmer around a frightened animal and not make sudden movements as the calmer they can be, the less likely they will get bitten - not by Yoshi who has never bitten a person, but by some other dog.)

Tue Aug 19
Yoshi walk - saw two different dogs from about 100' (no real issue they were headed in the opposite direction - that's nice) and one screaming child (apparently she was in a huff as they didn't get i-c-e on park street - maybe she meant ice cream).  While one of the parents and I talked I was feeding him cream cheese and he seemed blissfully unaware of the tantrum.  Mom joked that he was in the "zone:" the cream cheese zone.

Mon Aug 18
So it's clear that Yoshi needs more work on his mat and the Relaxation Protocol.  I also want his Go Crate to be stronger, so we worked on both at lunch in the Living Room much to Trek's chagrin.

Poor guy he's so fixed on the afternoon nap routine that I had to drag him out of his crate.

Put the mat down, he immediately went on it and lied down - yes/treat (y/t).
Started out easy by just walking around some with the occasional y/t
Then got out a set of dog tags and rattle that - no reaction y/t
Touched the door - fine - y/t
Unlatched the lock.  Initially he was fine and then Trek, the cute little instigator in the next room who needs this as much as he does, started barking so Yoshi jumps up and leaps on the sofa barking and staring out the window (his view is mostly blocked but not completely) looking for intruders.  I ponder whether to call him back but I decided to wait to see if he would recover on his own.  I sat on the arm of the sofa and didn't say anything.  Fairly soon he stopped and reengaged and jumped off the sofa (good boy).  I had him go back to the mat.  Tried the latch again and he (and apparently Trek) was fine.  Closed the latch and y/t.  Walked around (y/t), rattled the dog tags (y/t), undid the latch again and opened and closed the door (y/t).  Repeated but opened the door and walked out (y/t).  Repeated, walked out said "Hi there" (y/t).  Repeated, walked out said "Hi There, Come on in." (hope no one was watching) y/t.

Then we worked on "Go Mat"  (I had already introduced the mat cue previously) where he goes over to the mat and lies down (y/t - several reps)

Then on to: "Go Crate" and also wait in the crate (no cue), then knocking on something and Go Crate (y/t).  He can do that from 10 feet, but further away he want to go to the front door.  i can knock on the coffee table, but not a taller further away desk.

Sun Aug 17
A successful CU Workshop weekend.

A post of mine to CU_Dogs_SF

I'd love to hear other's thoughts on the August CU Continued Workshop.

Despite our rather leisurely pace, we were able to cover the most material that we're ever done.

- Box work
- Mat work
- (something I'm forgetting - LAT perhaps)
- There's a Dog in Your Face (always an excellent game)
- The Car Crash game (sans dogs), Kienan put up to four people into the pattern just to make us all dizzy
- and some great Parallel Walking

My only wish is that we need to manufacture ways to create Sudden Environmental Changes (SECs) - something like having a dog suddenly appearing in the doorway and then say "Wow there's a big scary dog in the doorway, have some cheese." - this continues to be Yoshi's bugaboo in both workshops (and he was just mostly watching in the Intro).

Oh and the Aug Intro Workshop has been sent invitations and I expect those interested will trickle in in the next few days, and hopefully they will comment on how it was for them (so far all I've heard is the anticipated: "Oh my brain is full!"
Some of them are already here - feel free to post about your experience.

The Aug Intro Workshop probably had the largest variation in behavior during the Evaluation period when they were let loose in the box with no feedback from the handler.  Apropos of precisely nothing, a couple of the dogs worked themselves up into a thorough frenzy, but in both cases as soon as they were given something to do, they settled down.  Fascinating.

Ellen and Yoshi

He did pretty well though he had some lunges and suddenly appearing dogs, but not if I saw them first and could either cover his eyes or feed him something.  Near the end when they were doing massage work on mats, he retreated into his crate (I had the mat and the crate surrounded by an expen and I was in there as well and that was fine - it was nice to see him doing some self regulating..

Fri Aug  15
So his mornng while Trek and I were relaxing i bed, Mr always hypervigilent Yoshi, starts a barking fit.  I call him back to me and decide to start massaging him to see if I can get him to relax.  I would start to relax and then start to bark and want to do his race around him circles thing.  This time I held onto him and kept massaging him and the same thing would happen.  He would start to relax (it's pretty much a primary reinforcer for him and many dogs), and then hear something and tense, bark and try to jump away.  We did this for 5 or 6 cycles and the I finally put im in is crate and he settled down.

Later on I had him out and he started to bark, but was looking at me.  I had him come to me and jump in my lap and he instantly settled down.  So since I've reinforce him coming and jumping on my lap its a pretty easy guess that he doesn't find my restraining him and making him relax to be an adversive experience at all (some dogs it very well may).  My lap is safe.  Maybe I should use that when someone is at the door but that's way more stimulation than just noise outside  I think we should continue to work on Go Crate for visitors.

Thu Aug 14

I swear I've done some dog training here and there inbetween spreading grass seed and crawling under the house to string irrigation wiring (which is done - hooray).  Yesterday I had both dogs on mats in the Living Room and I was able to wander around some and even undo the latch to the front door and then eventually open the door and shut it.  The one that's the most prone to not being able to resist barking is actually Trek so she needs this as much as Yoshi.  In fact I wonder if I should get her further along with it so she can be an example.

Cue interim music...
Dig Dig Dig Rake Rake Rake.

Been taking the dogs for walks and they do laps around the fenced off grass area.  Terri noticed that while Trek is fast, Yoshi has this incredible afterburner effect.  I ruefully tell her the difference is that while Trek can get into an agility nationals (maybe even place), Yoshi could win (sigh).

Yoshi has actually been doing well on his walks but for some reason we don't see many dogs.

Wed Aug 6
Halfway done on the irrigation system - that's an overstatement - I've dug half of the trenches.  The dogs have taken to sacking out on the piles of dirt.  They're going to lose those piles and trenches soon but there will be a whole nuther set soon.

Because I've been so occupied with the backyard project, they haven't been getting as much attention so I'm having to come up with ways to be more effecient.  For the past week I've been walking Trek on a flexi to let her race up and down the sidewalk while we walked.  This doesn't help her loose leash walking, but I'm not sure I care at this point.  I just want her to get more exercise as she's 2 pounds heavier than I want her to be.  At street corners I still have her sit, and we walk across on a short leash. For Yoshi whose weight is correct, we just played indoor fetch and he loved that.
I did make sure that Trek was ok with a flexi case on the kitchen floor following her (as if I'd dropped it).  After some puzzlement, she was ok and would stop to check in with me.  Yosoh as expected, does not pass this test at all ("AAAAAAAAA there's a plastic thing chasing me!  Run away!  Run away!) and if I were to use it with him again then I'd have to find a way to tie it to my wrist (I've been lucky so far, but i'm no longer taking chances).  I've seen dogs run more than a block (with their owners in pursuit) trying to get away from a flexi case that an owner had dropped.

Sun Aug 3
Yoshi is already back to tearing around the yard with Trek and not looking like he's drugged.
I think this is the level that I want him at so he can learn and I think training is what I should rely on for further behavior improvements.  Before he was so stressed that it was difficult for him to learn so this Clomicalm dose is helping him with that.

I worked most of the day installing an irrigation system, so they go to spend a large part of the day with me in the yard.  It was fun having them with me even if they make the job longer by knocking dirt back into the trenches I dug for the pipe.

Sat Aug 2
After thinking about it I took Yoshi back to 1/2 tablets of Clomicalm (20mg).  I didn't see any further improvement at 1 mg (and he looked drugged) but I can tell that 1/2 helps him.  I think for simplicity I'm going to keep it at 1/2 each meal and see how it goes.

I'll post this to CU_Dogs_SF

CU Practice at Washington Park
Sophie and Ivy and Yoshi and I with Cathy and Abby appearing for a little while.

Ivy and Yoshi have different issues, but were able to get some work accomplished.
We worked on Parallel Walking (about 25' apart) and Arcing Approaches (something that isn't strictly CU, but is oh so CU and very important in my eyes.)  We also commandeered a park bench and we did a version of There's a Dog in Your Face.  Then Cathy and Abby happened by (a semi-coincidence as she was there anyway and saw my car) so we gave Yoshi a break and let Cathy and her non-reactive dog Jesse work with Sophie and Ivy.  The dog's did relatively well.  There was one incident where a family with some very happy children were walking by and I just so happened to be walking Yoshi very close to Ivy and she lunged at him and he was surprised and was cursing back at her.  We walked away and were able to slowly reset.  Yoshi seemed to recover fine.  Sophie thought that Ivy was a little stressed, but though she was staring at Yoshi she would still play Look At That with Sophie.  By then we decided that both dogs had done enough work so we ended it there and Sophie and Ivy continued on to do dog greetings through the Dog Park fence (another handy use of the park.)  Yoshi is fine (his meds really help him to bounce back very well) and currently passed out on the floor of my house and we can let Sophie tell us how Ivy greeting dogs through the fence went.

Thank you both for a very productive session.

Fri Aug 1
Trek: Splash Dogs

From a CU_Dogs_SF post:

I took Trek to Splashdogs practice at noon (at the Somoma County
Fairgrounds) to check it out and see how she'd do.

She is a water fiend, but is hesitant to swim off the exit ramp (did it
once out of 4 or 5 sessions and she had multiple attempts each
session.) Clearly she needs more time swimming which is surprisingly
hard to find around here. I live on a silly island for heaven's sake,
but they don't like dog's on the beach which is so totally unfair (can't
they have just a little sand?). But Trek has gone after birds before so
I can't whine too much. So we'll have to go looking for boat ramps,
ways through the rocks, and lakes instead.

As far as the atmosphere - it is a fair that's going at nearly full
force even on a Friday. There is a ride that is very close to the dock
that has a rotating platform that looms high in the air and gives some
of the dogs pause. Non-reactive Trek didn't notice, but Yoshi would have
thought that the aliens that haunt him were invading. (Ok, that's a
touch over-stated - I do not think he's schizophrenic and slightly
paranoid alarmist that his is, has a good grasp of reality), but he
still would have objected and I decided that it wasn't an environment
he'd enjoy, and not an ideal one to learn a new skill.

Wendy assures me that the weekend is going to be much much busier so if
you have a CU dog that you want get some Spashdogs practice with, if you
can get there today or Monday it would be better.

We got to see Splashstar Renagade jump an amazing 20+ feet apparently
he is nearly qualified for the National.

If you do go to practice or compete. First find where gate 5 is (you
can leave stuff just inside the gate if you like. Then go park, and
then walk back to that gate with your dog. You will not have to pay to
get into the fair, though you have to stay in the splash dogs area.

The place looks so different it took me quite a while to realize that I
was standing in a place that I've spent a fair bit of time in as Bay
Team often has trials there.

The Splash Dogs site is: http://www.splashdogs.com/ and if you watch the
photos rotating on the banner you'll see a cute photo of Wendy and Ren
doing a high 5.

Took Yoshi and Trek over to Agility Class. 
With Yoshi I had him at a far distance and just played LAT as he hasn't been back there since he started on his meds.  He did great though I was right beside him armed with cream cheese.  He would occasionally grumble but still would eat and didn't lunge though I didn't give him a chance to.  It's been a week at the higher dosage so any side effects should have passed but Rachelle and I noticed that he did seem drugged, so I think I'm going to drop it down - maybe 1/2 a tab in the AM and a whole one in the evening (or vv).  He is less tense but still pays hyperattention to his environment, and still will alarm bark (which is fine).  I haven't really given him a chance to lunge so I don't know it that has been affected by the increase.

I need to check what the half-life is so I know if it stays in his body a long time or not.

Checked the main site:

It says 2-9 hours, so pretty short 1/2 life.

Trek Agility
I have to remember to always tell Trek "out" when doing wing jumps as at slow speeds or at turns she's likely to follow me instead.  Generally she did well though treats that the beginning class leaves at still very much a distraction for her.  I still need to throw the toy for rear crosses and I'd like her to be more drivey though when she does get drivey she gets zoomy so I don't push too hard yet.  I also have to remember that when I outstretch my hands it can confuse her some as we do a lot of hand targetting.  I can indicate with my hands low but really don't have to wave them around much as she's a small dog after all and stops to wonder what the heck I'm talking about.  Less is more.

Archive - Go to:

Yoshi and Trek Training Diary - Jul 2008
Yoshi and Trek Training Diary - Jun 2008
Yoshi and Trek Training Diary - May 2008
Yoshi and Trek Training Diary - Apr 2008
Yoshi and Trek Training Diary - Mar 2008
Yoshi and Trek Training Diary - Feb 2008
Yoshi and Trek Training Diary - Jan 2008

Yoshi and Trek Training Diary - Dec 2007
Yoshi and Trek Training Diary - Nov 2007
Yoshi and Trek Training Diary - Oct 2007
Yoshi and Trek Training Diary - Sep 2007
Yoshi and Trek Training Diary - Aug 2007
Yoshi and Trek Training Diary - Jul 2007
Yoshi and Trek Training Diary - Jun 2007
Yoshi and Trek Training Diary - May 2007
Yoshi and Trek Training Diary - Apr 2007
Yoshi and Trek Training Diary - Mar 2007
Yoshi and Trek Training Diary - Feb 2007
Yoshi and Trek Training Diary - Jan 2007

Yoshi Training Diary - Dec 2006
Yoshi Training Diary - Nov 2006
Yoshi Training Diary - Oct 2006
Yoshi Training Diary - Sep 2006
Yoshi Training Diary - Aug 2006
Yoshi Training Diary - July 2006
Yoshi Training Diary - June 2006
Yoshi Training Diary - May 2006
Yoshi Training Diary - Apr 2006
Yoshi Training Diary - Mar 2006
Yoshi Training Diary - Feb 2006
Yoshi Training Diary - Jan 2006

Yoshi Training Diary - Dec 2005
Yoshi Training Diary - Nov 2005
Yoshi Training Diary - Oct 2005
Yoshi Training Diary - Sept 2005
Yoshi Training Diary - Aug 2005
Yoshi Training Diary - Jul 2005
Yoshi Training Diary - Jun 2005
Yoshi Training Diary - May 2005
Yoshi Training Diary - Apr 2005
Yoshi Training Diary - Mar 2005
Yoshi Training Diary - Feb 2005
Yoshi Training Diary - Jan  2005

Yoshi Training Diary - Dec 2004
Yoshi Training Diary - Nov 2004
Yoshi Training Diary - Oct 2004
Yoshi Training Diary - Sep 2004
Yoshi Training Diary - Aug 2004
Yoshi Training Diary - July 2004
Yoshi Training Diary - Jun 2004
Yoshi Training Diary - May 2004
Yoshi Training Diary - Apr 2004

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