It really shouldn't have Q'd
since Trek was rubbing at her Dry Eye because I stupidly
forgot to give her the eye gel in the morning and while I
ran back to the car to get her lighter drops the blower was
moving enough air around to bother her during the off-leash
heeling, though mercifully it didn't on the long sits and
I decided to give Trek multiple commands to keep her sort of
with me and after the second command I should have been
NQ'd, but the judge liked what she was seeing, so gave me 3
pts off for each one (I had at least 2). When her
heeling is working it's great. Her on leash heeling
was wide and sloppy and it was like she was worried about
being stepped on even though I haven't run into her in a
long time :) And the figure 8s were whacko at the end
of each pass as she wound up on my right. I'm not sure
how that happened or how to fix it.
Stand for exam she moved after the judge examined her.
Apparently once you get that far it's just points off.
The recall was good but slightly crooked crokked front hence
the 2 points there.
I need to get her through Novice and into Open where she can
have some fun.
It was kind of pathetic, before we got the score I was sort
of holding her and silently weeping into her fur asking her
what were we going to do?
During the classes long sit and down they were putting metal
articles out in the utility ring and Trek who has an
excellent stay noticed and I was praying they didn't drop
anything. (They didn't phew).
I count seconds as something to do during the stays and
right around the start of minute 3 it was 1, 2, 3,
ohgodmetal, 4-no-5, eekdontdropit, 5-no-6, eek,
whatever, focus dern-it, 10, 11, 12...